
Fiber laser cutting machine, TopTech SuperTech

Fiber laser cutting machine

TopTech SuperTech, 3000*120000mm gantry fiber laser cutting machine.
Cut what you want!

In Chinese market, TopTech can proud to say that we are the first manufacture and right now no other factory can use this technology for Fiber laser cutting machine on gantry type cutting machines!

In the video, the machine's effective cutting area is 3000*120000mm with advanced fiber laser source and cutting head.


Congratulations on TopTech Sister Company HochTech Founded

Congratulations on Chongqing HochTech Co., Ltd. founded on 11th Apr., 2018!

Based on Beijig TopTeh Technology Co., Ltd. marketing development and we follow "One Belt, One Road", we had founded Chongqing HochTech Co., Ltd on 11th Apr., 2018.

Chongqing HochTeh Co., Ltd. is mainly taking care of Asia, Oceania, Europ market.
Welcome to contact us for any cutting & welding machine requirement.